AM Best Rating Services

History of the BestMark for Rated Insurers

The BestMark program was partially inspired by a program created by our company's founder nearly a century ago. In 1925, Alfred M. Best began allowing outside advertising in Best's Review, with the caveat that only insurance companies with strong Best's Credit Ratings could participate.

To make it easy to identify insurers possessing the coveted "Excellent" rating, a seal of approval was created and made available to eligible advertisers in June 1929. The seal was patterned after an early company trademark, with the endorsement "All that this Seal Implies."

Today, AM Best rated insurers can showcase their Best’s Credit Rating by displaying their BestMark, a well-known icon customized with their assigned level of financial strength, to professionals and consumers worldwide.

To obtain a BestMark or for further information, please contact us at


BestMark for Rated Insurers


BestMark for Rated Insurers