Best's Loss Control Report

Staffing Services

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Best's Loss Control reports describe the hazards present in a wide variety of industries and municipal services. Each report includes a description of the industry, on-site inspection checklists to identify exposures and loss controls, and a Hazard Index chart that quantifies the degree of liability in relevant lines of insurance.

Report Date: 1/12/2024 3:12:37 PM
Report Type: Update
Report Description: The Staffing Services report helps readers assess the insurance needs of companies that assist employers in filling their staffing needs, often on a temporary basis. The insurance line that carries the greatest degree of exposure is Professional Liability. Special exposures include claims filed by temporary employees against the insured if they feel they were mistreated or discriminated against at a client company where they were assigned by the agency. Agency representatives might persuade jobseekers to accept jobs for which they are not well suited or qualified. Related reports include Employment Websites, Executive Search Firms, Management Consulting Firms, and Professional Employer Organizations.


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