Price: $70.00 Delivery: Online 
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Online Purchase Status: • No recent purchase | | Best's Loss Control reports describe the hazards present in a wide variety of industries and municipal services. Each report includes a description of the industry, on-site inspection checklists to identify exposures and loss controls, and a Hazard Index chart that quantifies the degree of liability in relevant lines of insurance. Report Date: 12/4/2024 9:15:59 AM Report Type: Update Report Description: The Bus Charter Services report helps readers assess the insurance needs of companies that provide ground transportation via motorcoach for customers who request group passenger service to various destinations. Automobile Liability is the insurance line that carries the greatest degree of exposure. Special exposures will be numerous road hazards, including traffic congestion and inclement weather, bus accidents caused by driver error or mechanical problems, vehicle vandalism, distractions from passengers, unfamiliar routes, and driver fatigue. Related reports include Automobile Repair Shops and Oil Change Centers, Bus Operations — School, Car Washes, Public Bus Companies, and Truck Stops and Travel Centers.