AM Best Rating Services

Country Risk Information

AM Best defines country risk (read the criteria procedure) as the risk that country-specific factors could adversely affect an insurer's ability to meet its financial obligations. For purposes of this criteria procedure, “country” may also include territories, special administrative regions, free associations, crown dependencies, constituent countries, etc. Country risk is evaluated and factored into all AM Best ratings. As part of evaluating country risk, AM Best identifies the various factors within a country that may directly or indirectly affect an insurance company.

Countries are placed into one of five tiers, ranging from Country Risk Tier 1 (CRT-1), denoting a stable environment with the least amount of risk, to Country Risk Tier 5 (CRT-5) for countries that pose the most risk and, therefore, the greatest challenge to an insurer's financial stability, strength and performance.

AM Best's country risk evaluation does not impose a ceiling on ratings.

To better quantify investment risk, including the potential for market illiquidity and volatility; country specific risk charges are incorporated within AM Best's Universal BCAR Model. This enables the analytical team to increase the risk considered within an insurance company's invested assets which could diminish financial flexibility. Countries are categorized into one of five Country Investment Classes (CICs). Country Investment Class 1 (CIC-1) represents economies with relatively stable and liquid capital markets while CIC-5 represents markets with the least liquidity and highest volatility. It should be noted that while there are 5 CRTs and 5 CICs; there is not always a direct correlation between the two classifications. View the list of Best's Country Investment Classes.

AM Best incorporates transfer and convertibility risk into its holding company and debt ratings (read the criteria procedure). View the list of Best’s Transfer and Convertibility Ceilings.

Questions about AM Best's Country Risk Methodology may be directed to:

Guide to Best's Country Risk Tiers
Guide to Best’s Country Investment Classes
Best's Methodology and Criteria

Country List - All CRTs

Select the Tier from the list below to narrow the view to include only those countries within the Tier.

View Only: CRT-1 |  CRT-2 |  CRT-3 |  CRT-4 |  CRT-5 |  All       
Albania CRT- 4 Curaçao CRT- 3 Kenya CRT- 5 Romania CRT- 3
Algeria CRT- 5 Cyprus CRT- 3 Kuwait CRT- 3 Russia CRT- 5
Anguilla CRT- 3 Czech Republic CRT- 2 Laos CRT- 5 Saudi Arabia CRT- 3
Antigua and Barbuda CRT- 4 Denmark CRT- 1 Lebanon CRT- 5 Serbia CRT- 4
Argentina CRT- 5 Dominican Republic CRT- 4 Libya CRT- 5 Seychelles CRT- 4
Armenia CRT- 4 Ecuador CRT- 5 Liechtenstein CRT- 2 Sierra Leone CRT- 5
Australia CRT- 1 Egypt CRT- 5 Luxembourg CRT- 1 Singapore CRT- 1
Austria CRT- 1 El Salvador CRT- 4 Macau CRT- 2 Slovenia CRT- 2
Azerbaijan CRT- 4 Ethiopia CRT- 5 Malaysia CRT- 3 South Africa CRT- 4
Bahamas CRT- 3 Finland CRT- 1 Malta CRT- 3 South Korea CRT- 2
Bahrain CRT- 4 France CRT- 1 Mauritius CRT- 3 Spain CRT- 2
Bangladesh CRT- 5 Gabon CRT- 5 Mexico CRT- 3 Sri Lanka CRT- 5
Barbados CRT- 4 Georgia CRT- 4 Micronesia CRT- 5 St. Kitts and Nevis CRT- 3
Belarus CRT- 5 Germany CRT- 1 Moldova, Republic Of CRT- 5 St. Lucia CRT- 3
Belgium CRT- 1 Ghana CRT- 5 Mongolia CRT- 5 St. Maarten CRT- 3
Belize CRT- 4 Gibraltar CRT- 1 Morocco CRT- 4 Suriname CRT- 5
Bermuda CRT- 2 Greece CRT- 4 Mozambique CRT- 5 Sweden CRT- 1
Bhutan CRT- 5 Guatemala CRT- 4 Myanmar CRT- 5 Switzerland CRT- 1
Bolivia CRT- 5 Guernsey CRT- 1 Namibia CRT- 5 Taiwan CRT- 2
Bosnia and Herzegovina CRT- 5 Guyana CRT- 4 Nepal CRT- 5 Tanzania CRT- 5
Botswana CRT- 4 Honduras CRT- 5 Netherlands CRT- 1 Thailand CRT- 3
Brazil CRT- 4 Hong Kong CRT- 2 New Zealand CRT- 2 Togo CRT- 5
British Virgin Islands CRT- 2 Hungary CRT- 3 Nicaragua CRT- 5 Trinidad and Tobago CRT- 4
Brunei Darussalam CRT- 4 Iceland CRT- 2 Nigeria CRT- 5 Tunisia CRT- 5
Bulgaria CRT- 4 India CRT- 4 North Macedonia CRT- 4 Turkiye CRT- 4
Cambodia CRT- 5 Indonesia CRT- 4 Norway CRT- 1 Turks and Caicos CRT- 3
Cameroon CRT- 5 Iraq CRT- 5 Oman CRT- 4 Ukraine CRT- 5
Canada CRT- 1 Ireland CRT- 1 Pakistan CRT- 5 United Arab Emirates CRT- 3
Cayman Islands CRT- 2 Isle of Man CRT- 1 Panama CRT- 4 United Kingdom CRT- 1
Chile CRT- 2 Israel CRT- 3 Papua New Guinea CRT- 5 United States CRT- 1
China CRT- 3 Italy CRT- 2 Paraguay CRT- 4 Uruguay CRT- 4
Colombia CRT- 4 Jamaica CRT- 4 Peru CRT- 3 Uzbekistan CRT- 5
Cook Islands CRT- 3 Japan CRT- 2 Philippines CRT- 4 Venezuela CRT- 5
Costa Rica CRT- 4 Jersey CRT- 1 Poland CRT- 2 Vietnam CRT- 4
Côte d'Ivoire CRT- 5 Jordan CRT- 4 Portugal CRT- 2 Zimbabwe CRT- 5
Croatia CRT- 4 Kazakhstan CRT- 4 Qatar CRT- 3