AM Best

Complimentary Registration
Exploring the Next Phase of the Cyber Insurance (R)evolution

This webinar is sponsored by:

Event Date: Thursday, May 7, 2015
Event Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time

The expanding scope of cyber, network security and data breach risks faced by organizations is prompting insurers to broaden the array of available coverages for policyholders of various sizes. An expert panel will explore trends in limits, pricing and how the market for cyber and data breach coverage is changing. The panelists will analyze differences among coverages, how cyber coverage works with other insurance coverages, and the type and degree of support required to develop effective offerings.

Panelists for this webinar include:

  • Matt Cullina, CEO, IDT911
  • Dan Trueman, Cyber Unit Head, Novae
  • Christie Lucas, VP & Commercial Multi-Peril Product Manager, Erie Insurance Group

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