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Workforce M.D.: How the Physician-Employment Movement Is Affecting Medical Liability Coverage

This webinar is sponsored by:

Lexington Insurance Co.

Event Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Event Time: 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET
A panel of experts on risk, underwriting and medical professional trends will examine the impact of the gathering movement in which doctors are transitioning from individual practices for group and hospital employment. In the U.S., that movement is projected to soon include more than 50% of physicians. This new physician workforce is causing risk managers and insurers to rethink retention levels, underwriting criteria, capacity needs and how to account for long-term risk.
Panelists for this webinar include:
  • Brad Cox, Executive Vice President and Division Executive of Lexington's Casualty and Healthcare Divisions, Lexington Insurance Company
  • Holly Meidl, Managing Director, National Healthcare Practice Leader, Marsh
  • Larry Smith, Vice President Risk Management, Medstar Health and President of its Captive, Greenspring Financial Insurance Ltd., Inc.

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