Best's Review


AM Best Webinars
State of Surplus Lines, Best's Impairment Study

AM Best webinars feature insurance industry experts discussing the highlights of the annual surplus lines report. Also, AM Best analysts review the results of their impairment study.

On Demand

State of the Captive Market

A panel of AM Best analysts and industry leaders reviews market, regulatory and risk issues affecting the captive insurance sector. Portions of the discussion are based on AM Best's annual report on rated captives. (Now available.)

Best's Impairment Study 2018

AM Best analysts review the results published in Best's Impairment Rate and Rating Transition Study—1977 to 2018. (Now available.)

How Drones, Satellites and Aerial
Data-Gathering Are Remaking Claims

A panel of claims and legal experts examines how aerial and satellite imaging is changing processes and opening new vistas for insurers. Hosted by Best's Insurance Professionals &Claims Resources. (Now available.)

State of the Cyber Insurance Market

AM Best analysts and market experts review a new AM Best report that examines the growth of the cyber insurance market, which companies are most active in that line of coverage, the development of cyber modeling and how the insurance industry is positioned to cover those risks. (Now available.)


State of the Global Reinsurance Market

AM Best analysts and industry participants review financial results for the global reinsurance sector, including catastrophe impacts, availability, the role of third-party capital and more.

Wednesday, Sept. 4, 10 a.m. ET

State of the Surplus Lines Market

A panel of industry leaders in the surplus lines sector of the U.S. insurance market will review the market and discuss the highlights of a new report on that sector.Friday Sept. 13, 2 p.m. ET

Webinar Highlights

How the Internet of Things
Is Remaking Homeowners Insurance

A panel of technology and insurance experts examines how homeowners insurers are leveraging sensors, monitors and data to build better coverages and provide more value to insureds. Sponsored by LexisNexis Risk Solutions.

View These and Other AM Best Webinars


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